Editing English Essays: Benefits and Difficulties in the process

By davidsmithaus1211 at 2022-10-05 • 0 collector • 206 pageviews

Why essay writing is so popular 

Essays have been in use for a long time when it comes to the process of thought exchange, perspective exchange with a large number of people at once. In the past we have seen written documents used by the reformers, revolutionaries and political activists to register their voice of dissent and disagreement against the establishment and bring the momentum of change in the society.  Essays play a very important role in the development of  ideas, way of thinking and effective thought process in a human being.

Schools and colleges have been enforcing essays in their curriculum so as to enable the students to have essential career building skills like-

       In depth knowledge and ability of comprehension of any sort of written document.

       Ability to critically examine whatever you read.

       Removal of all superficial and surface knowledge tendency from students.

       Deep research based work will become easy for students because they will gain perfect research skills.

       Neatness and proper presentation will be the second nature of students if they continuously practice writing essays .

Apart from all the above mentioned benefits a student who continuously practices and improves on essay writing techniques will experience many improvements in him/her at the very minuscule and personnel level.  That's why it is always advised by our seniors and teachers to take necessary essay help which can be online or offline(books, journals, guides etc) which can provide you with required English assignment help to the students.


By understanding the significance of essay writing in career building and fulfillment of the necessary marking criteria in the internals and external markings, students would want to find a very good and reliable assignment help  platform in their quest to understand that what are the elements that makes an essay good, therefore this blog is written with the objective of describing essentials of a good essay and why editing essays is difficult yet important to improve its quality.

Essential of a good essay

Here we try to mention some essentials which you would find common in all essays -:

       Well structured writing-  Writing essays in a predefined and well structured manner ensures the proper flow of your ideas in chronological order plus leaves a positive image on the mind of readers.

       Burning and Contemporary issues are raised- Another quality of an acclaimed essay is that the topic is always relevant and thoughts of writers are presented on any conventional topic or idea to influence the support of the masses.

       Well edited document - On observing carefully the pattern of Academy Awards you would find out that it's a general trend that whichever movie wins the award for’ best direction’ has also won the award for’ best editing ‘ which shows that editing any movie or written document is far more crucial than the document itself. Looking from personnel point of view you would not love to read and unnecessarily stretched, full of grammatical and spelling mistake document rather you would want to read a well edited, properly presented and well researched essays, every student and an professional essayists do understand that editing is equally as crucial as any other thing to maintain good quality of essays.

However, there are certain reasons why editing english essays becomes a little difficult, some of the reasons are - :

       It is a tedious process which everybody hates and it's difficult to edit English essays with proper accuracy.

       Most people do not have up to the mark grammatical skills to actually find out grammatical mistakes.

       Spelling in english could be complicated to find sometimes

       Doing the proof read on facts and figures is a tiring and plain process.

These were some common reasons that make editing English essays hard.

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